I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect. I make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. I don't do the right things most times. Everybody doesn't do the right thing sometimes.i slack off in school. Everybody slacks off in school. I put other things first. Everybody puts other things first. I lie. Everybody lies. I judge people. Everybody judges people. If you're sitting there, thinking in your head "oh no, I don't do that." Stop lying to yourself. Because you and I both know, what you just thought about that person who just walked by with a cigarette in one hand an a baby in the other. It's not our fault that we automatically think these things. It's society's fault.
I personally wish I wasn't so judgmental. It makes beautiful people ugly. If I just accepted people for who they are, regardless of religion, looks, interests, or race, the world would be that much closer to being a better place.
I think what I find most interesting about life is how scared people are to let themselves be open. So many fine details of life are left behind closed doors. Its based on fear, fear of judgement. Don't worry, the people who care about humanity will allow you to be who you are. Just don't hurt anybody or yourself, just be good, and do good.
The thing that I can't hardly understand is the amount of hate some people have for other people. I don't hate anybody. I can't physically hate anybody.
But we have seen how people hate other people.
Columbine, Nazis, 9/11, slavery, Iraq, World War 1 & 2, and the latest, Boston Marathon bombing. It breaks my heart to see what this world has come too.
The minute you express your personal opinion, and it doesn't match that of the other person, it's a shoot out. It's not just a conversation sharing ideas or thoughts. It becomes a dagger throwing contest of who can say the nastiest words to cut people down enough so they can't get back up.
I miss seeing children being able to play in the streets without it being something to worry about. I miss being able to say "sorry" and the response being "no problem, don't worry." I miss not having to worry about going to the movies. I miss how lighthearted our society used to be. I miss not having to worry about if I am safe, or if my family is safe.
I don't like turning on the news and seeing only terrible negative things. It makes the world we live in seem only bad. We should spend time celebrating what is good, rather than what is terrible.
So, my question to you is, why can't we all just be accepting? Why can't we all just celebrate our lives? Why can't we all live in peace? In love? In happiness? Why can't we all just enjoy the time we have on earth? Why can't we live the lives we were supposed to live? Without insecurities. Without doubts. Without being scared. Why can't we all just coexist?
That's the key to it all. Coexisting.
Go to temple with the Jewish girl who lives down the street. Talk to the old man who was in world war 2. Help out the kid in the wheelchair with his books. It's not cool to disrespect or hate people. It's really not. If you think it is "cool" I think that you need to rethink what "cool" is.
Does it hurt so much to be kind?
Does it hurt so much to be accepting?
Does it hurt so much to be generous?
Does it hurt so much to think about other people for a change?
It hurts too much to have war.
It hurts too much to have controversy.
Maybe this is what the Mayans predicted. Not an asteroid, or a solar flare, but the end of what we are. We no longer cherish life, or other people, even the Earth or the animals and resources put on it. War, genocide, abuse, senseless mass murder, animal cruelty, gluttony, greed, waste, and lust...Look around you, the end of the world is already here.
One day, I hope the world can be like this. One day, I know it can be like this. One day, Someday.
The thing is, I've already taken the steps toward accepting people. I do that now. It's your turn. I challenge you to do that. Accept.
Sweet Serendipity.