Monday, August 13, 2012

Glücklich Tag

I genuinely don't know how to begin writing this.

First off, my grammar is starting to get worse and worse. My English grammar, that is. And my German is getting better and better every day. I'm starting to not think about things.

First off though, my first day was a dream. Beautiful. I saw this house, with a Brasilian flag up, and soon to be an American flag too. It is in a perfect little village in a perfect little mountainside overlooking a perfect little valley in a perfect little country.Time is flying by though.

I was welcomed in the home with cheesecake, champagne, and wonderful company of friends and family. They used their best china, very old china, in fact, so much it couldn't be in the dishwasher.

Later on, more friends came over and we watched shooting stars blaze across the sky. It was incredible. I couldn't hardly count how many we saw. It was more that I had ever seen in my entire life.

The next day (Sunday) We woke up early to go to church. It was the first time I had ever been to a Catholic Church. It was a beautiful service, although I had no idea what they were saying the entire time. The church was just amazing in itself. Stained glass, tall walls, pews, communion, it was all perfect.

Later on, we went to a little lake "Sorpesee" and we rented pedalboats and just drifted around for a while. We also had a quaint picnic with these cookies that were oh so very good. Don't worry, I'll bring some home. I have made many new friends; I also have many plans with these friends. It's great.


I can write more later, but my internet is not very good some times. But I am grateful for what I have now. It's lovely.

Sweet Serendipity.

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