Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The leaves are changing colors. The leaves are falling. The trees are getting bare. The trees are bare. Symbolism. You start at one thing and then progress on to the next. In a never ending cycle, of green to yellow, to red, to orange, to brown, to falling. to dying. to rebirth. But where does the cycle really start? In our heads, it starts at green; life. But it really could start at the last stage, death, or even somewhere in the middle, at orange. Its how you look at it. Green is really somehow the peak of life. Its a young leaf, with a couple hundred days to go until it reaches the yellow stage, which is similar to mid 30's, then you get to orange, mid 60's, and then to red, mid 80's, and then to brown...mid 90's a few days to go.. and then, at the very last moment, it finally lets go, and falls; peacefully, gracefully. Such a sad cycle. but also so very very beautiful. I have never seen the leaves change colors. It is something new to me; but I am ever impressed by how something like this can happen.

 It somewhat represents how we are ever changing.

We go through stages, such as leaves go through their own form of stages.
You can relate the changing colors to emotions, or years of life, or even individual days.

The young person is born, and then has the childhood years, moves on to the teenage years, and then early 20's. Still green at this point. Bright, lively, determined. Moving on to the late twenties, and then into the thirties and then on to the forties and fifties, now in the orange.yellow stage. The late fifties approach and on to the sixties. still orange, bright orange. Trying to make the most out of life, which is why the color is so bright. Then, red, it starts as a bright red, passionate, caring, lovely. And slowly changes into a deep, burnt, rusty red. Old, losing fire, but still just as caring. We are now in the eighties. The color is slowing down to an old, brown color, nineties. still holding on, but requiring more work to do so. That one little gust of wind from the North could be just enough to knock them down. maybe today, maybe tomorrow. But when it happens, they will be ready. They join all of the others of their family tree, extended family, blood related, all of them. The ones who have already fallen. Fallen from their tree of life.

Sweet Serendipity.

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